- From: Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>
- Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:09:19 +0200
- To: public-fedsocweb@w3.org
- Message-ID: <20130917150919.12494.53035@bastian.jones.dk>
Quoting jwildebo@redhat.com (2013-09-17 15:47:21) > On 09/17/2013 03:30 PM, Goix Laurent Walter wrote: > > I found this > > http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fNONSGML%2bCOMPARL%2bPE-516.886%2b01%2bDOC%2bPDF%2bV0%2f%2fEN > > (see bottom of p.13), voted this morning > > Hm. I just noticed that the PDF says > > "8a. Calls on the Commission to promote the development of > decentralised, freeware-based services that enable European citizens > to regain control over their personal data and communication by means > of point-to-point encryption;" > > Whereas the original amendment was > > "Calls on the Commission to promote the development, jointly with > stakeholders, of decentralised Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) > based services which would help to harmonise practices across cloud > providers and enable European citizens to regain control over their > personal data and communication, for example by means of > point-to-point encryption." > > So what was voted? The "freeware" stupid version or the "FOSS" better > one? Chances of a qualified response is higher if posting such question to the epfsug mailinglist. That's the reason I referenced that list: even if not the canonical source of what was actually voted, Erik Josefsson is our guy in the European Parliament - and he is subscribed to EPFSUG lists and FreeedomBox list (he posted those mails I referenced). - Jonas -- * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/ [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private
Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 15:09:52 UTC