On 31 May 2013 16:25, Andreas Kuckartz <A.Kuckartz@ping.de> wrote:
> Michiel B. de Jong:
> > On 2013-05-31 15:42, Andreas Kuckartz wrote:
> >> This is a polyglot gateway, correct?
> >
> > i'm not sure what you mean, useraddress.net is not a gateway, it's a
> > search engine.
> I see, sorry.
> >> Would it be possible (and reasonable) to use the same approach for other
> >> protocols?
> >
> > other than what? the idea is to build something that can communicate
> > with all the cliques out there. useraddress.net does that for user
> > search, and sockethub does it for messaging. can you give an example
> > of which other protocols you mean?
> Thanks for mentioning http://sockethub.org I still need to have a closer
> look at that. It seems to be close to what I have in mind.
Sockethub is a pretty good system, I know Nick personally, and we've talked
about it a lot.
Currently, it maintains a registry string pairs of "platform", "verb" and
then provides an API which talks to other APIs. The format is loosely
based on Activity Streams 1.0. I'd love to see embracing of an Activity
Streams 2.0 approach, which might fit well, as Michiel (who I met last
month) also loosely bases a lot of his work on JSON LD. The slight
downside is that registries can be a challenge to maintain, but these
things can potentially be fixed in future.
It's a useful project, and I think one that would benefit from
standardization and/or the best practices doc.
> Cheers,
> Andreas