On 1 July 2013 21:24, Andreas Kuckartz <A.Kuckartz@ping.de> wrote:
> Michiel B. de Jong:
> > On 2013-07-01 08:51, Andreas Kuckartz wrote:
> >> I noticed that the Program Committee for that workshop mostly
> >> consists of people who do not seem to be active in the Federated
> >> Social Web community.
> >
> > i do not agree there Andreas, although maybe there are multiple
> > "bubbles" of active people, and we are probably in a more European
> > bubble.
> I am not that much concerned about a different geographical "bubble".
> But I think that the workshop "bubble" has somewhat different interests
> and priorities. That definitely is legitimate.
> But if that workshop decides about future activities to be implemented
> by the W3C then those decisions are unlikely to adequately reflect the
> views of the members of the Federated Social Web Community Group. And
> that would not help to strengthen the Open Social Web.
Ah, I see. I had presumed that Harry's workshop was in collaboration with
this group. It seems to be a separate thing in itself. Thanks for
pointing that out.
> Cheers,
> Andreas