Getting to FPWD

Dear FedID CG and WG members,

As discussed at our recent hybrid meeting,[1] we need to run a formal 
call for consensus in the WG to publish the First Public Working Draft 
(FPWD) of the FedCM spec. Before doing that, we agreed to mark critical 
open issues in the spec, and have been gathering those under the "FPWD" 

This list, which will be noted in the spec, is intended to be an initial 
collection of known gaps that must be considered before Candidate 
Recommendation, to be addressed after publication of the FPWD. It is not 
intended to limit discussion of other issues the group identifies as it 

If you would like to see a specific issue added to this list, please tag 
it with "FPWD" by July 15 (or ask us for help to do so). The WG chairs 
will then create a PR with that list to add to a snapshot of the FedCM 
specification text as taken on July 16 and send that to the WG for a 
FPWD consensus call.

--Wendy, for the WG co-chairs



Wendy Seltzer -- +1 617.863.0613
Principal Identity Architect, Tucows

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2024 22:15:15 UTC