FedID CG/WG call (Atlantic), 9 July 2024

Hello FedID CG and WG members!

We have an Atlantic call on the calendar for Tuesday, 9 July (see the W3C CG calendar). There are quite a few items on the agenda, including reviewing a blog post about FedCM, looking at the issues tagged as potentially blocking a future Candidate Recommendation for FedCM, and considering some upcoming changes to how we use GitHub.

The agenda is available here: https://github.com/fedidcg/meetings/blob/main/2024/2024-07-09-agenda.md

If you are willing to scribe, I'd love to have that sorted in advance!

Heather Flanagan
Principal, Spherical Cow Consulting
Founder, The Writer’s Comfort Zone

  Translator of Geek to Human

Received on Friday, 5 July 2024 13:00:09 UTC