Agenda & Reminder: Federated Identity WG call, 27 August 2024

Hello all!

The next FedID WG call is this coming Tuesday, 27 August, at 15:00 UTC.


• Administrivia
    • Scribe volunteer(s)?
• Reminders:
    • Community Group Membership or Working Group Membership
    • W3C Code of Conduct
    • Recharter status - out for AC vote
    • FPWD Published
• Upcoming meeting schedule
    • W3C TPAC - Monday and Tuesday
• FedCM
    • Add API to show error messages from failed token fetches - PR #498
    • Returning accounts go first in getUserInfo #483
    • Break the Login Status API spec out of the FedCM spec #641

Please review the PRs and be prepared to discuss any questions or concerns!

Our next meeting will be during TPAC.

Heather Flanagan
Principal, Spherical Cow Consulting

Received on Friday, 23 August 2024 14:57:31 UTC