Re: Archive Module -revival


I strongly object against requiring maps. Zorba doesn’t implement maps (but
JSONiq instead). If maps become a standard, there is no problem with doing
that. Before that, I would like to be able to implement that module.



On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:08 AM, Florent Georges <> wrote:

> On 6 February 2014 15:35, Christian Grün wrote:
>  Hi Christian,
>> One way out could be to provide two specifications and see which one
>> will eventually be adopted
>  I would rather not do this.  We have enough work with one spec,
> don't we? :-)  I think this phase of the editorial process is the
> opportunity for people to speak up.  Giving them the opportunity to
> wait untill modules are implemented will probably not help.
>>> arch:text($mimetype)
>> What about supporting both xs:string and xs:base64Binary as input?
>  You then have to define the default encoding for strings.  Which it
> possible, the most obvious choice being UTF-8.  But you need to
> provide a way to set another one.  arch:text($content, 'ISO-8859-1')
> looks like a nice possibility to me.  And it allows more checks and
> avoids more errors, which is a good thing (a common gotcha with two
> parameters to represent a list of pairs is when one key or one value
> is the empty sequence by mistake, which is really hard to catch, while
> arch:text() can ensure it does not return the empty sequence).
>> As far as I know, order should be irrelevant in archive files (at
>> least in ZIP archives).
>  The OCF spec[1] (the ePUB spec that defines how to package files
> together in a ZIP file) mandates the first entry to be "mimetype"
> entry, uncompressed, and containing "application/epub+zip".  This is
> an easy way to check this is actually intended to be an actual ePPUB
> file encoded as ZIP, without having to unzip the file (a bit like
> magic numbers in image files).
>  I think that generating ePUB files is an important use case.
>> What do others think about maps vs. no maps?
>  I'd like to know as well :-)
>  Thanks for your comments!  Regards,
> -- 
> Florent Georges
> [1]

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 19:38:43 UTC