Re: EXPath Binary module: bin:unpack-integer()

Hi John,

one more detail: I would suggest to change the signature of bin:shift from

  bin:shift($in as xs:base64Binary?, $by as xs:integer)
as xs:base64Binary?


  bin:shift($in as xs:base64Binary, $by as xs:integer) as xs:base64Binary

If there is a particular reason why empty sequences are to be allowed for
bit:shift, it could be beneficial to add some explanation to the
description of the function. As an alternative, the other bitwise
operations could be extended to also handle empty sequences, but I would
prefer the first solution.

What do you think?

2013/10/3 John Lumley <>:
> A minor change (suggested by Christian Grün) is proposed to the Binary
> module:
> renaming  bin:unpack-signed-integer()   to   bin:unpack-integer()
> on the basis that XPath integers are signed by default, and will be in
> with bin:unpack-float(), bin:unpack-double().
> remains with the same name.
> 'Last Call' for changes to the Binary module will be issued soon (before
> progresses to the dizzy heights of being the first EXPath '1.0' version),
> and as far as the editors are concerned, this is the last substantial
> change. Any objections to this - please holler...
> John
> --
> John Lumley MA PhD CEng FIEE
> on behalf of Saxonica Ltd

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 11:10:35 UTC