Re: Final draft of Proposed Binary Module

On 18/11/2013 13:38, John Lumley wrote:
>> – [offset-beyond-end]: the error code could be renamed to a more
>> general designation such as "out-of-bounds", as in many cases it does
>> not only refer to $offset, but involves another value as well (such as
>> $size, or a constant).
> Agreed - though I thought it might be helpful to distinguish between 
> 'negative' and 'positive' excursions beyond the data. 
I'm inclinded to have two errors: [index-before-start] and 
[index-after-end] - differentiating between them, which the machine of 
course can do, makes it easier to track the error - before-start is more 
likely to be $offset wrong etc.

*John Lumley* MA PhD CEng FIEE <>
on behalf of Saxonica Ltd

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 10:17:56 UTC