Re: Comment on "Allow both xs:base64Binary and xs:hexBinary as arguments"

On 3 July 2013 19:39, Michael Kay wrote:

>>  I like that approach.  Actually why don't we provide such
>> "converter functions" from both xs:hexBinary and xs:base64Binary
>> (plus their lexical representation) to an implementation-dependent
>> type, which can be used only as input parameters (or as return
>> value) of the binary module functions?

> I think there's a considerable risk that a user who gets a base64
> value (say) from somewhere would pass it to a method that accepts
> hexB on one implementation and b64B on another, forgetting to invoke
> the conversion, and thus producing non-portable code.

  Sorry, I don't understand this one.  Could you expand a little bit
on it, please?

> And I don't think it solves the problem of passing untypedAtomic (or
> an untyped node).

  But if there is no implicit conversion from untypedAtomic to binary
item, then a user would always have to call an explicit converter,
wouldn't he?  If the signatures are modified to, say:

    bin:binary-and($a as bin:binary, $b as bin:binary) as bin:binary

then trying to pass an untypedAtomic item as a parameter would be an
error.  But there would be a converter function to convert an untyped
item or node to bin:binary, by interpreting it as lexical hex binary
or as lexical base64 binary.


Florent Georges

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 17:57:56 UTC