Re: Comments on the File Module

>>> let $a := file:append-text('foo.txt', ' cat')
>>> let $b := file:append-text('foo.txt', 'fish')
> I'm not sure what you mean by function order - and I think that's my point.  XQuery doesn't define an order of evaluation.

Pardon my broken English. By function order, I meant to say that '
cat' must be appended to the file 'foo.txt' before 'fish'.

I guess we are talking about a similar thing: On the one hand, the
current version of XQuery provides no means to enforce evaluation
order. On the other hand, varioous XQuery processors are available
that provide an implementation of the File Module, or other
side-effecting modules, and that assume that code (may it be
·nondeterministic· or ·side-effecting·) is evaluated in the order in
which it’s specified in the query (as part of a FLWOR expression, as
multiple expressions separated by commas, or any other way). How can
we resolve this discrepancy?

Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 21:43:24 UTC