Re: Comments on the File Module

Perhaps, but I'd much rather see a Haskell-like solution for handling 
side effects in XQuery, but that's somewhat outside the scope of a 
function library.


On 09/12/2013 16:56, Florent Georges wrote:
> On 9 December 2013 16:56, Tim Mills wrote:
>> let $a := file:append-text('foo.txt', ' cat')
>> let $b := file:append-text('foo.txt', 'fish')
>> return ($b, $a)
>    I think the idiomatic solution is to create an explicit dependency
> between the calls, by returning "something" from the functions that is
> taken as a parameter as well, as explained there:
>    I am afraid I don't remember why we didn't follow this route, but
> that should be quite easy to find in the archive, if you are
> interested.
>    Regards,

Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 17:07:29 UTC