Re: File Module: $target in file:copy()

On 2 December 2013 19:51, Christian Grün wrote:

>> Are are all files from the source copied (recursively) to the
>> target, each overriding any corresponding target if they exist?

> Yes.

  OK.  This should probably be explicited then, to be sure all
implementations behave the same way.

>>       if ( file:is-dir('target') ) then

> In this case, I may have got you wrong: how can this expression
> yield true at all if "target" does not end with a slash?

  Sorry, I was not clear.  I meant that the first example, in the
current state of the spec:

      if ( file:is-dir('target') ) then
      file:copy('...', 'target')

could be rewritten, if we used that trainling-slash convention for
directory names, as:

    file:copy('...', 'target/')


Florent Georges

Received on Monday, 2 December 2013 19:03:41 UTC