Re: EXPath binary module - comments - negative zero

On 05/08/2013 12:03, Florent Georges wrote:
> On 5 August 2013 09:56, John Lumley wrote:
>> [...] XMLSchema 1.1 which is a more recent version than XML
>> Schema 2 - but of course the devil is in the detailed wording.
>> XML Schema Part 2 is older than XML Schema 1.1 Part 2.
>    Sorry, this is not the main subject, but I have a hard time
> making sense of the above paragraph.  XML Schema 2?
I'd misread 'XML Schema Part 2' as 'XML Schema 2', which of course would 
have to be more recent than 'XML Schema 1.1', wouldn't it?

(I knew schemas were a bad idea, and just going to cause confusion and 
depression ;-)...)
*John Lumley* MA PhD CEng FIEE <>
on behalf of Saxonica Ltd

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 11:09:10 UTC