RE: ISSUE-95: Some points for future improvements after FPWD


I took a look at Youenn's comments [1] on Canonical EXI FPWD draft.

With regards to section 4.4 Stream Order, YF wrote:

> The note about insignificant xsi:type may also be illustrated with 
> xsi:type=xsd:anyType profile case.

I would recommend to add xsi:type="xsd:anyType" as an example.

With regards to section 4.5.6 String and String Table, YF wrote:

> a bit fuzzy. Maybe it should be added that the convention must be agreed 
> by both parties or even stronger requirements (must be able to express the 
> convention within EXI options for instance?).

In section 4.5.6, there is a description:

  "Unless the convention used by the application dictates differently 
   (e.g., EXI Profile parameter localValuePartitions set to "0"),"

I suggest to modify it as follows.

  "Unless a convention was indicated in Canonical EXI Options (with link to 
   section 2.1) by an application to dictate differently (e.g., EXI Profile 
   parameter localValuePartitions set to "0"),"

Thank you,


Takuki Kamiya
Fujitsu Laboratories of America


Received on Monday, 8 August 2016 23:49:01 UTC