AW: ACTION-733: Go over exi for json draft and ask the group for review in preparation for publication


based on the feedback so far I integrated the following updates to the EXI for JSON document [1].

* marked the exi:decimal datatype for the other element at risk
* created non-normative appendix section for "Design Decisions"

The document seems functionally complete and I would like to ask everyone for a final review and feedback. The plan foresees a first publication by the beginning of next year.


-- Daniel


Von: Efficient XML Interchange Working Group Issue Tracker []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2015 16:53
Betreff: ACTION-733: Go over exi for json draft and ask the group for review in preparation for publication

ACTION-733: Go over exi for json draft and ask the group for review in preparation for publication

Assigned to: Daniel Peintner

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 16:25:37 UTC