AW: exi header document

Hi Mark,

> a0 = 10 | 1 | 0 0000 // distinguished bits, options present, Version

This is correct.. the rest is as follows

48 = 0 | 10 | 01000 // 1bit indicates <header> in root, 2 bits are choice between lesscommon(00)/common(01)/strict(01)/EE(11), EXI Body stream

The actual EXI Options <header><strict/></header> is encoded in three (3) bits. After Encoding <strict/> nothing else is expected and EndElements are implicit. Hence the EXI Body stream (the actual document) starts in bit-packed encoding with 01000.

Hope this helps,

-- Daniel

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Received on Thursday, 9 April 2015 11:03:49 UTC