XML Performance Community Group

Hi all!

I just wanted to give you a heads up that Mohamed Zergaoui has launched a W3C Community Group dedicated to XML Performance. You can find it at http://www.w3.org/community/xmlperf/.

Quoting from W3C: "A W3C Community Group is an open forum, without fees, where Web developers and other stakeholders develop specifications, hold discussions, develop test suites, and connect with W3C's international community of Web experts." It's a very new thing, they were just announced a few days ago.

I am unsure as to where exactly Mohamed intends to take this group (I've only joined as an observer) but I'm pretty much certain that there are a few people on this list who care about performance so I thought I'd put it on your radar!

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:38:14 UTC