RE: EXI patent problem

Hi Gengo,

With regards to the members of the WG, including the former members,
there have been two occasions for excluding patent claims, one ended
in December 2007 and the other ended in November 2008. The first one
corresponds to the first public draft spec and the latter corresponds to
the last call draft spec. There had not been any attempt of exclusions.

I personally had a chance to learn that things are getting changed lately
in the arena of patent litigations. It is called "In re Bilski", which I refrain
to go into details here :-), is said to neutralize many software claims
that are described with a broad brush. One of my cases whose title was
"method and system for compiling schema" was knocked down by the
US PTO earlier this year. Don't be frightened, we are a member of the
group anyway.

However, in general I think concerns about patents never go away,
especially when you think of those potential ones (if any) that belong to
non-WG members.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Gengo Suzuki
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:15 PM
Subject: EXI patent problem


I am worried about patent violation of EXI specification.
In Japan there are some patent and pending patent about XML compression,
which wrote by Expway.  They are also international publication.

For example, in PCT/FR2001/002719, there is a claim about data compression
method for structured documents using automata which is compiled from structural

This is a basic principle, and I think that there is a little possibility of its registration.
But its priority date is 2000.9.6, and there are few public XML compression document
before that day.

Expway was EXI-WG member, so is there any restriction for them to use right driving
from their patents ?


NTT Cyber Space Laboratories
Gengo Suzuki <>
TEL: +81-46-859-3412 FAX: +81-46-859-2768

Received on Thursday, 13 August 2009 18:34:05 UTC