RE: [EXI] Precompression needs more clarity

Hi Santhanakrishnan,

The boundaries between channels are implicit.
By reading the structure channel, one can know how many value channels there
are in the block, in what order, which channels are combined in what order,
as well as the number of values contained in each channels. Because you
know the number of values in the channel, you can decode each value using
its associated datatype. When you've finished decoding one channel, it's
the start of next channel when there are more channels subsequently,
otherwise it's the end of the block.

Hope it helps,



From: [] On Behalf Of santhanakrishnan
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 11:21 PM
Subject: [EXI] Precompression needs more clarity


       I feel the pre-compression explained in the specification needs some clarity. It does not deal with the demarcation of
different value channels that are combined together. Some example pre-compression steps would be useful in better understanding.



Received on Thursday, 1 May 2008 23:14:35 UTC