EXI Example Encodings Available

EXI implementers,


In order to promote interoperability between implementations and to
validate the clarity of the EXI specification, a number of EXI encoded
documents have been made available for example purposes [1].  Those
interested can compare their own EXI encodings to these examples and
discuss their questions/comments with the EXI working group.  The U.S.
Naval Postgraduate School generated the examples (on behalf of the
Web3D Consortium) using AgileDelta's Efficient XML [2]. Efficient XML
is an implementation of the third (current) draft of the EXI format
specification, but has not been tested by the EXI working group.
Although these examples are not normative, they should prove useful in
developing EXI implementations and in focusing discussion to improve
the EXI format specification.


Many thanks to Web3D Consortium and NPS for making the web site


[1] https://www.movesinstitute.org/exi

[2] http://www.agiledelta.com/product_efxsdk.html




Mike Cokus

The MITRE Corporation

757-896-8553; 757-826-8316 (fax)

903 Enterprise Parkway

Hampton, VA 23666

Received on Friday, 27 June 2008 20:48:26 UTC