RE: [EXI] ComplexType with mixed="true"

Hi Santhanakrishnan,

>Adding a CH production for accepting string content to all LHS
Nonterminals of the 'Type'
>grammar would suffice for this ? 

Yes, this is essentially what happens.  This case will be covered in
the next public working draft of the specification, which should be
published soon (by the end of this month or perhaps early next month).



Mike Cokus
The MITRE Corporation
757-896-8553; 757-826-8316 (fax)
903 Enterprise Parkway
Hampton, VA 23666

From: [] On
Behalf Of santhanakrishnan
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:16 AM
Subject: [EXI] ComplexType with mixed="true"

Hi EXI experts
            In the specification the grammar derivation rules for a
schema with ComplexType having mixed="true" are not specified. 
            Adding a CH production for accepting string content to all
LHS Nonterminals of the 'Type' grammar would suffice for this ? Or if
the method is different please share your knowledge.

Received on Monday, 7 July 2008 17:13:25 UTC