RE: Question: adding AT events to grammar

Hi Michele,
Thank you for your question. AgileDelta's Efficient XML is behaving
according to the latest version of the EXI specification. Please see the
semantics in section 8.4.3 [1] for information about how xsi:nil is treated
in the context of schema-less grammars.
BTW: The free 30-day trial version of Efficient XML comes with free support,
so you are welcome to send questions about AgileDelta's products directly to
the support team if you like. 
    All the best!,


From: [] On Behalf
Of Melanie Stallings
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:32 AM
Subject: Question: adding AT events to grammar

Dear EXI Experts:


I'm using Agile Delta's 30 day trial to see if I'm on track encoding and
decoding Efficient XML.  I've run into something I don't understand.


I'm using -n -noschema.


Given the xml below Agile Delta DOES NOT add the attribute AT(xsi:nil) to
the grammar.  Why?


<root xmlns:xsi="">

    <a xsi:nil="true"/>



// This is the binary output from Agile Delta - for convenience.

10010001 01000001 01011100 10011011 

11011011 11011101 00010111 00110100 


            a      AT*  hit   found  prefix

000010][01 100001][00 1][11][00000 000][1][0000 

len=4      t         r          u        e

0110][0111 0100][0111 0010][0111 0101][0110 


0101][0000  - ??? I expected the AT* to be added to the grammar.  But from
the looks of this it was not.  If it was added to the grammar the 0 would
mean that we just encountered another AT(xsi:nil).  I'm expecting an EE.  So
I conclude that for some reason the AT event was not added to the grammar.
My question is why.


Given the xml below Agile Delta DOES add the attribute AT(xsi:abc) to the
grammar.  This is what I would expect.


<root xmlns:xsi="">

    <a xsi:abc="true"/>



     // This is the binary output from Agile Delta - for convenience.

10010001 [01]000001 01011100 10011011 

11011011 11011101 00010111 00110100 


           a        AT*  hit   len-1=3    a                 

000010][01 100001][00 1][11][00000 100][01100 

         b          c       len-2=4     t

001][01100 010][01100 011][00000 110][01110 

          r         u          e       EE   EE

100][01110 010][01110 101][01100 101][1000][0]  - This is what I expect.  



The difference seems to be that nil is a default prefix where as abc is not.
But why does that matter?  I don't understand why the xsi:nil is not added
to the grammar.  


Can you show where in the documentation this behavior is specified?






Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 16:34:12 UTC