Third working draft EXI specification published

Dear Friends of EXI,

In case anyone missed the announcement [1] made on the w3c public
front page late in March, this is a friendly notice of the recent publication
of the 3rd working draft of the Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) specification.

Title: Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format
   Pub URI:
   This version URI:

Thank you for all your contributions that include comments, questions
and suggestions that you made on this mailing list. Sometimes we are
late in compiling the response, however, we have steadily examined every
contribution and will keep doing so in the future. You may find that the new
working draft of the specification has already addressed some of the points
people raised here. The EXI working group appreciate all the advices and
questions, and will try to respond to feedbacks and inquiries in more timely

EXI specification document has been accompanied by a couple of
documents that provides friendlier technical introduction, best practices
and the measurement of the base format. These documents are
listed below for your convenience.

1) Title: Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Primer
   URI shortname:

2) Title: Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Best Practices
   URI shortname:

3) Efficient XML Interchange Measurements Note
   URI shortname:


Michael Cokus and Takuki Kamiya
for the EXI Working Group

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2008 17:37:09 UTC