Fwd: "BX Proposal"

Dear all,

this message is forwarded here FYI. It was originally sent to the  
public list, which I know many of you are not subscribed to. Please  
note that we do not have any form of IP knowledge about this piece of  
technology, so while we can definitely discuss it, if it becomes part  
of our specification we will have to be careful and ask further  
information from Paul Pierce.

Begin forwarded message:
> Resent-From: carine@w3.org
> From: "Paul Pierce" <prp@teleport.com>
> Date: February 07, 2006 14:42:40 CEST
> Resent-To: public-exi@w3.org
> To: "W3C EXI Public" <public-exi@w3.org>
> Subject: "BX Proposal"
> [The attachment has been removed and stored in
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2006Feb/0008.html
> because of its size -- moderator]
> Here is a proposal for binary XML. Its something I've been =
> thinking about for years and when I saw the call for proposals =
> (the day after the deadline) I thought I'd write it up. Maybe =
> there are some ideas here that will be of use. None of it has =
> been implemented and there are probably many errors.
> You will find that it is full of invention. While most of the =
> techniques are well known and many are enshrined in existing =
> standards, the proposal rarely makes use of them. For instance, =
> the "Octet" transform is much like X.690 BER and most of the =
> compression is like bzip2 and gzip. I've done this to present =
> alternative techniques that are tuned to XML specific problems =
> and that take advantage of the specific opportunities that =
> arise, such as (in compression) working on whole symbols for =
> speed, instead of bytes. Otherwise I've tried to avoid invention =
> for its own sake, especially avoiding new data structures that =
> would unnecessarily expose the inner workings of a particular =
> translation mechanism and so fix them into the standard where =
> they might limit future innovation.
> I am a retired systems software architect. I worked at Intel =
> for over 20 years on a variety of projects including a couple =
> of standards committees. Now I have my own projects, many of =
> which use XML. Most don't need binary, but 4 or so are much =
> like different use cases documented in the Binary Characteristics =
> report.
> My understanding of compression techniques comes mostly from =
> "Managing Gigabytes (2nd Ed.)", Witten, Moffat, Bell, 1999, =
> Morgan Kaufmann.
> Attached is the proposal only. I'll follow up with a brief =
> evaluation against the desired properties in a few days.
> Paul Pierce
> prp@teleport.com

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist
    Expway, http://expway.com/

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2006 16:57:12 UTC