Call for Contributions: EXI technologies

Dear all,

as you know, the EXI WG has now been chartered and we are about to  
start the process of gathering candidate technologies for  
consideration in defining an efficient XML interchange standard. If  
you would like to contribute a format, you are encouraged to join the  
Working Group but not required to. In addition to adhering to the IP  
policy this will enable you to take part in the evaluation process.

In order to contribute a format, please email the following to the  
EXI WG's public list (

* The specification itself
This can be partial if you believe that only a specific part of your  
format may be of interest to the process. Format-wise, (X)HTML is the  
preferred option, though if you really must PDF, plain text, or RTF  
are acceptable.

* An evaluation of the format against the properties
The formats will be compared to the properties so that it is clear  
what they do and do not support. The list you provide will not be  
taken as a given, but will be scrutinised and reviewed by the WG, so  
there's no point in being dishonest :). Please evaluate all the  
properties in the XBC Properties Note, not just the ones selected as  
requirements, since the additional information could definitely prove  
useful. If you have your format specification ready to be submitted  
but require a little more time to provide this part you are  
encouraged to send them separately -- the more information we get  
earlier the better.

The deadline for contributions is Jan 15. For some time after that  
date we could still look at what you send in, but the more weeks pass  
the less influential your contribution will be in shaping up EXI  
technology. Any contribution coming in after the first face to face  
meeting which will take place during the technical plenary week  
(27/02-03/03/2006) may be accepted as useful input, but will not be  
considered new information that can justify re-opening closed issues  
or changing existing WG resolutions.

Please note that by contributing a candidate technology to the WG,  
you are agreeing to the fact that the WG may use parts of it (or even  
its entirety) in publishing documents the copyright of which will  
belong to the W3C.

We look forward to your inputs, which we're sure will be of excellent  

-- Oliver Goldman & Robin Berjon, co-chairs

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2005 16:38:15 UTC