RE: Support of IEEE float; Canonical XML"


thanks for spending the time clarifying the rationale for the EXI WG 
position about floating point representation. It seems that this 
position is backed by extensive testing, so it is clear that the 
decimal-based representation is both space and processing efficient in 
many cases, especially when the text representation of the data is 
required at some point in the processing. However, we do have quite a 
few machine-to-machine use cases where we intend to use EXI as an 
alternative to hand-written binary encoding. In these cases, I believe 
the base-2 representation may still be more efficient (assuming we use a 
typed interface that will not require a conversion to the decimal 
represention). You mention in your mail that EXI would support the 
replacement of the default EXI representation by the IEEE one. Will that 
be through the Data Representation Map mechanism, or as a new standard 

Thanks again for your time.


Antoine Mensch

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2009 20:21:57 UTC