RE: Support of IEEE float; Canonical XML"

Hi Antoine,

>thanks for spending the time clarifying the rationale for the EXI WG
>position about floating point representation. It seems that this
>position is backed by extensive testing, so it is clear that the
>decimal-based representation is both space and processing efficient in
>many cases, especially when the text representation of the data is
>required at some point in the processing. However, we do have quite a
>few machine-to-machine use cases where we intend to use EXI as an
>alternative to hand-written binary encoding. In these cases, I believe
>the base-2 representation may still be more efficient (assuming we use a
>typed interface that will not require a conversion to the decimal
>represention). You mention in your mail that EXI would support the
>replacement of the default EXI representation by the IEEE one. Will that
>be through the Data Representation Map mechanism, or as a new standard

This would be handled using the Data Type Representation Map.

>Thanks again for your time.
>Antoine Mensch

Thanks very much,


Mike Cokus
The MITRE Corporation
757-896-8553; 757-826-8316 (fax)
903 Enterprise Parkway, Hampton, VA

Received on Monday, 2 November 2009 15:15:07 UTC