about restricted character sets

Hello, Restricted Character sets of EXI specification defines the max number
of characters '255 '.

'\d' is out of exception list for analyzing character sets  in Appendix E.

But XML Schema specification(*) tells that 'd' is equivalent to category escape '\p{'Nd'} which
includes more than 255 characters (about 370(**), which includes multi-byte numeric
characters other than 0-9).

I think this is contradictory. Please tell me the way to avoid it.

(*)multi-character escape in XML schema

(**)Number of category characters


NTT Cyber Space Laboratories
Gengo Suzuki <suzuki.gengo@lab.ntt.co.jp>
TEL: +81-46-859-3412 FAX: +81-46-859-2768

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2009 00:24:46 UTC