[EXI LC comments] Boolean

In 7.1.2 Boolean

Please consider instead of

Otherwise, when pattern facets are available in the schema datatype,
Boolean datatype representation is able to distinguish values not only
arithmetically (0 or 1) but also between lexical variances ("0", "1",
"false" and "true"), and values typed as Boolean are represented as
n-bit unsigned integer (7.1.9 n-bit Unsigned Integer), where n is two
(2) and the value zero (0), one (1), two (2) and three (3) each
represents value "false", "0", "true" and "1".


 the value zero (0), one (1), two (2) and three (3) each represents
value "0", "1", "false", "true".

such as bittesting the last bit could give the right result


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Received on Friday, 19 September 2008 17:17:16 UTC