Artificial Intelligence and the Grading of Educational Exercises and Activities

Educational Exercises and Activities Community Group,

Hello. Mindful of how teachers around the world spend hours of each workweek grading homework, I would like to share some ideas towards broadening the usefulness of homework-grading AI systems.

For homework assignments which are not digital, a human-computer interface idea for teachers is for them to use an app on their smartphones to record video of, or to scan, students' homework paper documents (which might be transformed into crisp images on their smartphones) and to have this data subsequently transmitted to and processed by AI systems.

Teachers could perform these scanning processes for unsorted collections of documents, for their entire classes of students, and there could be different audible chimes and verbal indications from their phones for: successfully completed scans, documents which require the immediate attention of the teacher, and error conditions, e.g., the software couldn't recognize a student's name on a document and the teacher should type or speak that student's name into the phone.

For scenarios where teachers want to hand their students back graded homework documents with marks and feedback, AI systems could speak with teachers (e.g., via WebRTC) through their smartphones to provide them with recommendations with respect to marks and feedback for specific items or content.

Thank you. I hope that these ideas were of some interest to you.

Best regards,
Adam Sobieski

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2024 10:00:21 UTC