Re: W3C wiki and multilingual contributions

Jeremie, others, 

Le 14 juil. 2011 à 16:23, Jeremie Patonnier a écrit :
> This is my first time on this ML. I'm a French web designer highly involved in Web standards evangelism.

Welcome Jeremie, good to see you here. 

> Recently, Karl Dubost and Chris Mills had push the Opera Web Curiculum on the W3C Wiki.

Honestly Chris Mills [1] (Opera) is the father of Web Standards Curriculum [2] for years. He moved everything [2] by himself to the W3C wiki, fabulous work! I just helped a bit here and there.


> I like it and found it quite accurate (I use it on my daily work when I train people). I would perform a French translation of it.

That's great news. Thanks a lot. There is also plenty to do for updating the English material for the new shiny HTML5 :) and connect with other sections of the wiki. I expect at a point that the content in each languages might diverge exactly like wikipedia. It makes sense, different cultures, different ways of teaching, examples, etc. :) But we are not there yet.

> So my question is : Is the MediaWiki used by the W3C able to support multilingual contributions (with cross mediawiki links, etc.)?

People from the W3C System Team might know. Coralie (W3C) seems already on it.

Le 14 juil. 2011 à 16:33, Coralie Mercier a écrit :
> I'll find out whether MediaWiki supports multilingual contributions.

I'm so happy about all of this. 

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 14 July 2011 20:40:57 UTC