Re: [request for modifications] QA Tips: "Don't forget to add a doctype"

On 21 Dec 2009, at 5:54 AM, Karl Dubost wrote:

> Evangelista Team,
> in the QA Tips: [Don't forget to add a doctype][1], there are are  
> some factual errors that would be good to fix.

Hi Karl,

I have made the changes you suggested. Thank you,

  _ Ian

> Here some suggestions for modifying the text:
> 	Tools which process HTML documents, such as Web browsers,
> 	need to know which DTD an (X)HTML document is actually using:
> 	this is why each (X)HTML document needs, at the beginning, a
> 	DTD declaration, such as:
> s/Tools/Some tools/
> s/, such as Web browsers,/
> s/needs/might need/
> 	Why specify a doctype? Because it defines which version of (X)HTML
> 	your document is actually using, and this is a critical piece
> 	of information needed by browsers or other tools processing the  
> document.
> s/browsers or other/some/
> 	(and hence discovers errors that may affect the way your page is  
> rendered by various browsers).
> s/(and hence discovers errors that may affect the way your page is  
> rendered by various browsers)//
> 	But the most important thing is that with most families of browsers,
> 	a doctype declaration will make a lot of guessing unnecessary, and
> 	will thus trigger a "standard" parsing mode, where the understanding
> 	(and, as a result, the display) of the document is not only faster,
> 	it is also consistent and free of any bad surprise that documents
> 	without doctype will create.
> s/parsing mode,/rendering mode./
> remove everying after mode.
> [1]:
> -- 
> Karl Dubost
> Montréal, QC, Canada

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 21 December 2009 16:07:20 UTC