QA IG Agenda for Feb 28


the first day of meeting went quite well with a lot of inputs, I'll  
prepare abstract minutes soon. See below for the list of topics and  
actions items.

The agenda of the meeting will be lighter today.

* Validators
	Olivier Théreaux will give an update on the Validators (CSS, Markup,  
RDF, Feed, etc)
* EARL coordination
	After the break in the morning we will have an update about EARL, by  
the ERT WG.

Draft and *raw* minutes are available here

The topics covered during the meeting were.
          1. Introductions around the table
          2. Test Cases Metadata
          3. W3C Glossary system
          4. CUAP and CHIPs
          5. QA Findings
          6. QA Weblog
          7. EBNF
          8. EBNF discussion
          9. Test Assertion Guide
         10. Organization of QAIG
         11. Templates of QA Handbook and SpecGL
         12. Tools
         13. QA Curriculum for Web Standards

And a series of Action Items have been recorded

[NEW] ACTION: Dom to propose an implementation of Test Metadata in RDF
[NEW] ACTION: Dom to start a wiki page on testability/normativity
[NEW] ACTION: Karl to ask W3C management about change of chairs
[NEW] ACTION: Karl to finish charter template by March 16
[NEW] ACTION: Karl to finish conformance template
[NEW] ACTION: karl to see if bjoern is interested in preparing a blog  
entry on the EBNF discussion
[NEW] ACTION: Lofton to finish process template in next six weeks
[NEW] ACTION: Lynne to develop document summary (review with Jacques)
[NEW] ACTION: Olivier and Karl to provide an updated version of CUAP  
and CHIPs - due by end of April
[NEW] ACTION: Patrick to create section on wiki re: tools
[NEW] ACTION: Patrick, Tim and Snorre to review Dom'simplementation  
of Test Metadata in RDF
[NEW] ACTION: Tim to index QA Handbook to answer specific questions

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2006 06:25:55 UTC