Re: Benefits of application/xhtml+xml

I've made this sort of argument before. You can use
a decent browser as a sort of syntax checker, or even
pass the markup through a stand-alone XML parser
(and then the W3C validator as a further step). If there
are other XHTML "lint" style applications out there,
I am unaware of them.

The problem most developers have with XHTML is in
coping with dynamic sources of content, a commenting
system for instance. If the software isn't clever enough
to strip or reform tags from such input, then it breaks
the whole page...

But I agree with Karl, it is a good sanity check.
A programmer certainly wouldn't want to distribute
software in source form if the code has syntax
errors in it!

Douglas Clifton

On 4/3/06, David Dorward <> wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 14:14 +0900, Karl Dubost wrote:
> > It's possible to use application/xhtml+xml at the development phase.
> > If the pages are invalid, there will not be displayed and/or having a
> > message showing the mistake depending on the browser.
> Only if the page isn't well formed, it is possible to be invalid yet
> still well formed documents:
> For example, in an XHTML 1.0 Strict document:
> <p>
>   <spin class="shouldBeSpan">Hello</spin>, <div>world</div>
> </p>
> --
> David Dorward                           <>
> "Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
>                              -- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

Received on Monday, 3 April 2006 14:59:27 UTC