Re: Multimedial Evangelization

On Mar 26, 2004, at 21:39, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> I think it is time to [...] advertise Web Standards through Cooler 
> Multimedia [2]

Excellent idea!

Time for the Web Standards crowd to show its creativity. I have seen 
quite a few efforts showing that you can achieve a cool multimedia Web 
through standards, now let's show that Web standards are cool through 

>  hence I propose that the QA Acitivity launches a theme song contest 
> as a first step to encourage the
> community to make web standards cooler through music.

Sure, let's give everyone one month to give this theme song/music a 
try, and we'll feature the winner(s) on our site.
Enough to launch a career, undoubtedly, although skills should not 
matter as much as originality and creativity, so go and have fun, and 
we will see.

People wanting a playground to hack lyrics, discuss harmonics or plan a 
recording gig should feel free to hijack the QA Wiki at:


Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2004 00:21:36 UTC