Re: The use of W3C standards in Denmark Part II


Le 04 mars 2004, à 23:44, Soren Johannessen a écrit :
> list of them. Then I just
> started from the first until the last one. Some of the home pages on 
> the
> list does not exit any more. I made a spreadsheet to insert data from
> all the 2033 home pages.

It's a very impresssive *manual* work you have done.
	* Have you thought about using automatic tools to do it?
	* If no, was it because you had not all skills to create a program for 
that purpose?
	* Or have you identified things which can not be done automatically?

What would we be your dream tools to do that.

Your process seems to be:

1. List of URIs
2. Detect if Frame or Not
3. Doctype Yes/No
  - If no doctype -> invalid
  - If doctype -> send to the W3C Validator
4. Which Doctype?
5. Encoding Problems (what kind of test? validator? visual? ->
6. Number of Errors Validity (Not a good criteria because of 
cascading). density of errors is a better criteria, but still not 

One possible problems, the Web site does browser sniffing and the Web 
page which has been sent is not really the home page, but a message 
page (error or indirection).

> pr default inserting "Windows-1252"in the META-TAG. My advice for 
> Danish
> Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation was that in this issue,
> high-tech people have to create templates for not so HTML/XHTML 
> familiar
> workers like the example I gave above. Second advice, high tech people

templates for Dreamweaver and Frontpage?

> have to set up systems that use PHP/ASP server side scripting language,
> CMS etc. to use a correct W3C Standard template. We can't assume or
> demand that every one that produce text/content for the web knows 
> things
> like this.

Do you have examples of tools producing the right code?

> During my survey I have also the purpose explain how the W3C validator
> works, the W3C validator is a cool tool if you understand the errors
> messages. For not so good english reading people(webmasters) it's very
> difficult to figure out the "Character encoding label" error etc. Well

Interesting comments. We are trying to improve the localization of the 
W3C validator.

> also?)The local goverments around the world could pay for a localized
> version then W3C would hosted these versions. It's would benefit a lot
> of not so HTML/XHTML skilled people

That would be very interesting. You would be pleased to know that the 
W3C Mark-Up validators is mainly developped by Scandinavian persons. Do 
you think that the Denmark government could finance such an effort for 
the Danish version?

> retailer of CMS never ever tells/educate the buyers, how to set up the
> HTML/XHTML template for correct W3C standard. Lot's of people in public
> sector thinks, well we have bought this expensive CMS then we also
> assume that everything is fine, but that's not the case.

:) Yes I see what you mean. I think that Governments have a lot of 
possible outcome on vendors if they associate their requests and 
efforts to create pressure.

> Hope you can use the data to something and got the major points above.
> Please feel free to ask me again. After publising my survey 2004-02-28,
> there has not been to much respons in the danish media yet. I have
> e-mail newspapers etc. But no one yet have publish anything.

Do you know Marko Karppinen effort?

which seems to have been stopped.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Friday, 5 March 2004 11:40:07 UTC