Re: Call for contributions: new and improved "Web site quality" articles

"Brian Kelly" <>
>    We've producing a range of brief documents, which are available from:
>    I'd be happy for the content of any of these documents to be
> repurposed for the W3C QA Web site.  However some will be out-of-scope
> for you, while others may be too pragmatic (e.g. suggesting approaches
> for making PowerPoint files available on the Web or mentioned specific
> applications by name).

The actual content of the briefings are all excellent, and I would very much
like them available to a wider audience, either through being repurposed for
the QA site, or just linked to/advertised to get the wider audience (the W3
stamp of approval by being hosted on would be useful, but not

One comment is the often links to bobby, I'd rather this was to a variety of
tools, as my experience has shown people often don't like bobby's warnings
about things they get right, if you suggest a variety of accessibility
checkers they often put things differently and people can judge quicker that
one of them just isn't very good at mechanically checking that feature.


Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 11:29:15 UTC