Re: Call for contributions: new and improved "Web site quality" articles

"Brian Kelly" <>
>    As I mentioned to you at the WWW 2003 conference I'm involved in QA
> support for a number of digital library programmes in the UK Higher
> Education community.
>    Details of our work are given in a couple of papers, which are
> available from:

As always another site which has singularly failed to swallow it's own
dogfood, you cannot serve XHTML 1.0 as text/html unless it follows Appendix
C of XHTML, the above document does not follow Appendix C, and is served as
text/html so whilst the material looks incredibly useful and valuable, the
fact it can be shot down so easily makes it useless, we can't use it to
educate people.


Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 09:43:51 UTC