Call for contributions: new and improved "Web site quality" articles


In an effort to complete the collection dedicated to Web sites' quality 
within the W3C QA Library [1] and build a more comprehensive set of 
resources adapted to all the kinds of actors involved, we have created 
a simplified outline of the various stages and actors of a Web Site's 
creation[2]. This outline may, eventually, become a good guide for 
readers to find their way among these resources, but for now it can be 
useful in assessing which documents are yet to be written and which 
documents need to be amended to be more adapted to their intended 


Participants in the QA Interest group, especially participants in this 
mailing-list, had expressed some interest in contributing material to 
the QA Library, and for that purpose we wrote up some contributions 
guidelines [3] (for which feedback is still welcome). This outline of 
"Web site steps" may be an interesting source of inspiration for 
volunteer contributors without a clear idea of what they would like to 
provide help on.


Should you decide to start work on one of the missing documents, or 
should you want to have a try at improving one of the existing 
documents, please coordinate with other participants on this list.

Thank you.

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 01:55:16 UTC