PHP Class to validate your markup


I'll be interested to know the list of tools which are OPEN SOURCE 
and helps people to validate (not only HTML) and maintain the quality 
of their Web sites.


I've finally enabled a subset of HTML in my comments. In doing so, I 
had several requirements that needed to be fulfilled:

    1. Entered markup must be valid to XHTML strict, to stop comments 
form breaking validation and keep things nice and tidy.
    2. No presentational markup! I want to maintain control over how 
things look via my stylesheets - comments posted should only be able 
to use structural HTML elements.
    3. Attributes should be restricted to those that add semantic 
meaning. Javascript event attributes and CSS related attributes 
should not be allowed.
    4. I should retain full control over the tags and attributes 
allowed in the comments.
    5. Submitted HTML must be kept free from anything that could pose 
a security risk, such as javascript: URLs.

The system I have implemented works by running submitted posts 
through an XML parser, which checks that each element is in my list 
of allowed elements, is nested correctly (you can't put a blockquote 
inside a p for example) and doesn't have any illegal attributes. My 
initial test have shown it to work pretty well, but if anyone wants 
to have a go at breaking it please, be my guest.

The code for the main class is available here: SafeHtmlChecker.class.php
Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 08:13:36 UTC