Browser Compliance

Does the W3C take an official stance on Browser standards?
Netscape 4x browsers specifically?
Is there any documentation about this specific Browser?
If so is it posted on

I see that W3C has shown many things that need to be in place to show that
it's w3c compliant...but I can't find an actual stance on Browsers
themselves. I am specifically trying to find something that states that
Netscape id NOT supported by W3C.

I got your email off this page:

Thanks so much!
-David Lockhart

David Lockhart

David Lockhart - CitiCapital Technology
250 E. Carpenter Frwy, HO5-1
Irving, TX  75062
972-652-5433 - Phone
972-652-4571 - FAX

Received on Monday, 24 February 2003 02:17:27 UTC