Re: [public-evangelist] <none>

Hello Jim,

You wrote:
>Please do not mis-use javascript in this manner... <

What is the alternative way? I only use document.write..and @import does
not serve any stylesheet to Netscape 4 and that is not what I want..

The content in this pages is CD-Covers and they look awfully without CSS
in Netscape 4.71  Only in pages as these in which the picture is more
important as an usual picture of the band, I have this sidebar. I
believe in 4 or 5 of the more as 70 pages of the fansite.
In the other pages the text gives the information and the pictures are
less important... are only meant as illustration.. There is no sidebar
at all.

>In which case you SHOULD NOT be sending it as text/html<

You mean I must serve the xhtml 1.1-site as application/xhtml+xml.. with
encoding utf-8?
That is what I already did.


Received on Monday, 30 September 2002 11:24:19 UTC