Re: Converting to standards... (sort of)

At 9:41 +0100 2002-09-24, Andrew McFarland wrote:
>It would certainly be interesting to do conversions, or partial 
>conversions on high profile sites, and if enough people were 
>interested I may be able to give some time to coordinate things. 
>There are certainly some questions in my mind about the best way to 
>do it. If anyone else is interested, give me a shout on or off list.

1. Choice of high/well known websites
2. Traceability of the conversion (techniques used for it)
3. Authorization of the Web site owner? (often almost impossible, 
because people do not reply to individual request for major websites, 
another problem of Quality)

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2002 08:30:48 UTC