Re: CSS Books

Well, Eric's Programming Reference was on the shelf in Vancouver, Canada --
along with the Glasshaus Book, Separating Content from Presentation.  I
picked up both of them and have been quite happy -- neither is particularly
large, but the content comes fast and thick.

What really startled me was the number of books up there with the words
"HTML 4" in the title.  Okay, I know that language isn't really dead -- but
there was nothing on XHTML except two fairly useless catch-all books.
Compared to about twenty on HTML 4.  That, and the sheer mass of "LEARN
KILLER FLASH FOR YOUR WEBSITE" manuals, which managed to span five
shelves... sigh.

Although I did see one Flash book with the best title ever:

At 1:29 AM +0100 10/3/02, John Colby wrote:
>Thinking about it I can see the problem with CSS - unless you're into some
>sort of standards compliance you'll not have heard of it (OK, sweeping
>statement, I know)

Can that really be true?  I've liked CSS as long as I've liked standards
compliance, so I have nothing to reference.  But even if your average
web-mister doesn't understand semantic markup and the separation of styles,
surely they have a need for good typography and content positioning?  What
else would they use?  Most hacks that I know of don't even come close.

Yes, they may not know how to use CSS "properly", but they know how to use
it in some regard... don't they?


Received on Thursday, 3 October 2002 01:36:47 UTC