Re: cost-benefit analysis of standards compliance

> At 17:22 -0400 2002-07-09, Jeff Moyes wrote:
> >This would be incredible information if it can be found/compiled. At least
> >in the corporate world, (tangible) cost-benefit analysis is almost always
> Yes it will be a very good information to have but for that we'll 
> have to define metrics. A set of measurable things that we can give 
> to agencies.
> So maybe the first thing is to establish this set of metrics.

Ahh, Karl beat me to saying this. ;) 

I have very few broad ideas of these metrics so far. It would be 
good if we can grow this and publish it, and run a survey
across a sample of design companies, corporate departments,
and so forth.

I propose a set of metrics based on time - time can be translated 
into man-hour costs.

So, very broadly, we may need to know for BOTH complaint/uncompliant
design projects, how much time is taken in:

- concept/design
- development
- deployment
- maintenance
- ??

We need to be able to decide which projects are 'similar-sized'
seeing as it is not an accurate measurement if the basis for
comparison is not the same. How do we do this? By a projected
anticpated amount of time taken based on man-hours? (Any better

Once these metrics are established, this survey could perhaps 
be run once every year, or every two years. Then we would also 
have a trend :)

How does all this sound?

random web dudette

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 20:16:15 UTC