RE: Promotion of XHTML

At 08:35 AM 12/30/2002, Nigel Peck wrote:
>And there's no way Browser manufacturers will move browsers to a non
>backwards compatible language until a very high percentage of users are
>aware of it.

I would venture to say that's the last criterion that will play a factor, 
not the main one.

Does the average user today care if the page they're viewing is written in 
HTML 3.2, XHTML 1.0, or typed out by a hamster inside the browser?  As long 
as they get the experience from the page they expect, my guess would be no.

You won't see browser manufacturers abandon backwards compatibility with 
the existing iterations of HTML unless a very high percentage of sites have 
abandoned it.  Don't expect to see that happen for many, many years.  The 
sheer volume of legacy content will preclude it, because there is no good 
rationale to forward-convert all that legacy code into a new HTML version.

Bill Mason
Accessible Internet

Received on Tuesday, 31 December 2002 03:24:00 UTC