Comments on "WaSP Asks the W3C"

Hi Molly,

I'm glad to see this collaborative work between WaSP and
W3C happening. I have a minor suggestion regarding [1].
Please have wasp/qa clearly identify the subject and object
of the questions. The first one, for example, is:

      *  How to properly specify character sets

I would propose instead:

      * How authors specify character sets in Web content

That's because one could also read the phrase with
other audiences in mind:

      * How server designers handle character sets

      * How specification writers specify character sets

      * How software designers handle character sets

Also, I think the proper term for the first question
is "character encoding" rather than "character set."
It's true that an attribute or parameter named "charset"
is often the means to identify a character encoding,
but I believe the title should refer to character encodings.

My experience with WAI guidelines is that it helps a lot
when you make clear who should be reading which questions.
Of course, anybody may read them, but the target audience
should be given a heads-up.

Thank you,

   - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Monday, 9 December 2002 12:13:47 UTC