Re: W3C Home page switched to full CSS layout

 "Daniel" <>
> >  XHTML has little support in the real world,
> IE 5+,

IE5 does not support application/xhtml+xml, it also only supports XHTML
sent as text/html by virtue of its very liberal parser. (simply look at a
serialisation of IE's DOM by
javascript:alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML) or similar) you'll
see it's an HTML interpretation, not an XHTML one.

> Netscape6+, Mozilla 1, Opera 6+, Lynx 2, all Gecko browsers...
> All these and more support XHTML.

Netscape 6+, Mozilla and Gecko support it - aren't they the same browser?

So yes, 3 browsers out of the 20+ still in development is a pretty poor
support by any yardstick I use.

> That counts as "little support"? With all
> due respect, please explain what qualifies for acceptable support?

Well IE support would be required as a minimum, IE and Mozilla cope with
any old crap, don't mistake "rendering any old crap" with "supporting


Received on Friday, 6 December 2002 12:14:47 UTC