Re: Weblog article on rdf:nodeID - possible error


There's a subtle distinction between id= and explicit formation of a URIO 
from a namespace and local name.

In the former case, the URI formation rules are used (ala RFC2396, etc.), 
but in the latter case its simple concatenation.  That's what the W3C 
validator is doing, and that's what seems to be called for by the RDF 
syntax spec (e.g. section 2.14 ... I need to locate more details, but no 
time right now).


At 17:10 19/02/04 +0000, Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

>Was just reading the weblog article on the rdf:nodeID attribute
><>.  I read this bit :
><rdf:Description rdf:ID="me">
>  <foaf:name>Dan Brickley</foaf:Name>
>...if parsed with a base URI of ...will
>generate a single triple:
> "Dan
>Shouldn't the subject of the triple be :

Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2004 14:56:18 UTC